The key advantage of using intumescent fireproof paint is its ability to expand and provide insulation during extreme heat, ensuring that your surfaces are shielded from flames for longer periods. This makes it a vital component in fire protection strategies, offering peace of mind and enhanced safety.
DC315 Fireproof Paint for alternative Thermal and Ignition Barrier for Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) DC 315 is an intumescent coating applied over Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) to achieve a “15 Minute Alternative to Thermal Barrier” and “5 Minute Ignition Barrier.” DC315 is compliant to IBC & IRC codes; 3rd party inspected and listed by Warnock Hersey ( WN-20947), and meets the requirements of the AC456 criteria recently updated in AC377. DC315 has more than 200 tests worldwide over a wide variety of foams. It has one of the best coverage rates for foam at 115 sq ft/gallon, making it very cost efficient. Also available in 55 gallon drums.